2024 WinterFest in Crosslake
Thursday, February 1, 2024 9:00 AM - Saturday, February 3, 2024 11:59 PM (CST)
For 22 years we've been celebrating WinterFest in Crosslake with good old-fashioned winter fun for the entire family! Three days of indoor and outdoor activities throughout Crosslake for all ages to enjoy!
Get all the WinterFest gear to immerse yourself in ALL the fun:
- ON SALE NOW - Official WinterFest Sweatshirts and Hats | Purchase at Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant and Lake Country Crafts & Cones.
Look for Koozies and Wristbands at participating businesses on January 19, 2024
- Official WinterFest Koozies | Buy one 2024 Slim Can Koozie for $5 at Andy's Bar & Grill, Cedar Chest, Maucieri's, Manhattan's, Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant & Bar, Ox Lake Tavern, Rafferty's Pizza, Riverside Supper Club, The Wharf and Zorbaz-Crozzlake, and enjoy $4 Coors Light bottles and $5 White Claw cans Fri. Feb. 2 and Sat. Feb. 3 at all of these establishments!
- Official WinterFest Wristbands | 2024 Wristbands available for $5 at participating businesses offering a deal or discount. Save hundreds of dollars on retail goods, services, food, and drinks city-wide, and help support the event!
- 9AM // Find the Lost Medallion! First of three daily clues released at local merchants, on the Crosslake App, and here! Find the Lost Medallion and cash in on a prize package courtesy of Chamber member businesses!
- 9AM - 5PM // 20% off Boutique (some exclusions apply) Key Wellness 35752 Allen Ave)
- 4:30 - 7:30PM // Pizza, Wings & Pitchers (Crosslake Fifty Lakes American Legion 35112 CR 3)
- 6 - 8PM // Loons & Lakes Trivia hosted by Shannon Watters of Watters Edge Realty, WAPOA, and the National Loon Center. Free to play. Bring lead tackle for points toward prizes (14 Lakes Craft Brewing 36846 CR 66)
- 8PM // Trivia (Moonlite Bay 37627 CR 66)
- 9AM // Find the Lost Medallion! 2nd clue released
- 9AM - 5PM // 20% off Boutique (some exclusions apply) Key Wellness 35752 Allen Ave)
- 3:30 - 5:30PM // Cabin Fever 2024/25 Enrollment Kickoff (Crosslake Community School 35808 CR 66)
- Games, activities, school info, tours, snacks, and prize drawings - Free event!
- 5 - 8PM // Live music featuring Mike Miller (14 Lakes Craft Brewing 36846 CR 66)
- 5:30 - 6:30PM // Meat Raffle (Crosslake Fifty Lakes American Legion 35112 CR 3)
- 6PM // Live music featuring Mike Derus (Manhattan's 39051 CR 66)
- 6:30-8:30PM // Celebrate WinterFest! (Crosslake Community Center 14126 Daggett Pine Road)
- Outdoor Family Fun! Fireworks at 8:30 pm.
- Warming House open, Hot cocoa, S'mores, Bonfires, DJ Music
- Hot Chili provided by Moonlite Bay and served by the PAL Foundation
- Games, and prizes courtesy of Dahlheimer Beverage
- Meet the dogs & puppies from Kiwatchi Dog Sled Adventures
- 8:30PM // FIREWORKS (Crosslake Community Center 14126 Daggett Pine Road)
- 10PM-Close // Dance with DJ's JP and Dana (Moonlite Bay 37627 CR 66)
- 8-11:30AM // Crosslake Firefighters Pancake Breakfast (Crosslake Lutheran Church 35960 CR 3)
- 9AM // Find the Lost Medallion - 3rd and final clue released
- 10AM-2PM // Open House & Tours (Northern MN Railroad Trackers 36184 CR 66)
- 10AM-3PM // WinterFest Craft & Vendor Show (The Gathering Event Center 34212 CR 3)
- 11AM // WinterFest Brunch & Bingo (Manhattans 39051 CR 66)
- Register by 10:45am for Bingo
- 11AM-1PM // Kids WinterFest Tote Decorating (Moonlite Bay 37627 CR 66)
- 11AM - 3PM // WinterFest Family Fun Zone - (Crosslake Town Square 14195 Gould Drive)
- Crafts, snow volcanoes, and building ice fairy gardens - Indoor and Outdoor
- 11 AM - 3PM // Outdoor Ice Crystal Painting (Squirrelly Mama 14295 Gould Drive)
- 11AM - 3PM // 20% off Boutique & Play Plinko (Key Wellness 35752 Allen Ave)
- Win prizes and discounts
- excludes Rodan & Fields & supplements
- Soup samples served at participating businesses throughout Crosslake.
- Download the Crosslake App and vote for your favorite soup by 3pm.
- 12PM // Live music featuring Seth Doud (Manhattan's 39051 CR 66)
- 12-2PM // Italian Olympics (Maucieri's 36450 CR 3)
- 12 - 2PM // Beer tasting - Moonlite Square Liquor (37735 CR 66)
- 12-3PM // Bonfire & Smores', Color a T-shirt, Coloring Contest (weather permitting) (US Army Corps of Engineers/Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway 35507 CR 66)
- 1-4PM // Radar Runs on the Bay weather permitting - CANCELED (Moonlite Bay 37627 CR 66)
- 1:30 - 4PM // Bingo Crosslake Fifty Lakes American Legion 35112 CR 3)
- 2 - 5PM // Live music featuring Mike Miller (14 Lakes Craft Brewing 36846 CR 66)
- 3PM // Live music featuring Shane Martin (Manhattan's 39051 CR 66)
- 4:30-6PM // Surf & Turf Raffle (Andy's Bar & Grill 35453 CR 3)
- 7-10PM // Live music featuring Mark Johnson & Brent Passarella (Cedar Chest 33350 CR 3)
- 7-10PM // Live music featuring Lisa Wenger (Maucieris 36450 CR 3)
- 10PM-Close // Dance with DJs JP and Dana (Moonlite Bay 37627 CR 66)
WinterFest Committee
The Crosslake Chamber extends a sincere thanks to the 2024 WinterFest Chairperson Jessica Eide, Moonlite Bay Family Restaurant & Bar, and Committee Members: Dawn Maucieri, Maucieri's Italian Bistro; Heather Jones, Pine View Daycare; Pat Netko, Lake Country Crafts & Cones; Corrine Hodapp, US Army Corps of Engineers Crosslake Campground; Melissa Krueger, Simply Rustic Floral Design; Pam Cunningham, UR Country Doc; Tim Schalow, NMN Inc./Northern Lakes Embroidery; Marlene Mingo, Crosslake Chamber Volunteer; Steve Spencer, Shoppe 218; Tim Valencia-Louden, Patriot Lakes Nutrition; TJ Gaumann, Crosslake Park & Rec Director; Cassidi Herrlich, Manhattan's; and Ali Beste & Cindy Myogeto, Crosslake Chamber.
2023 SoupFest Winners!
Judges Choice:
1st Place - Maucieri's
2nd Place - Crosslake Coffee
3rd Place - Manhattan's
Peoples Choice Culinary:
1st Place - Andy's Bar & Grill
2nd Place - Maucieri's
3rd Place - Crosslake Fifty Lakes American Legion
Peoples Choice Amateur:
1st Place - Key Wellness
2nd Place - Whitefish at the Lakes Senior Living
3rd Place - US Army Corps of Engineers/Paul Bunyan Scenic Byway
Blizzard Sponsor
Fireworks Sponsor
Jack Frost Sponsor
Frostbite Sponsor

Crosslake, MN 56442
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Brainerd Lakes Chamber Event
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