2023 Crosslake Days Sponsorship & Event Participation
Thursday, August 31, 2023 9:00 AM - Friday, September 1, 2023 12:00 AM (CDT)
Beautiful Fall colors are the drop back for the Crosslake Days Fall Festival! This premier annual event is a weekend of family fun with activities for all ages! We've got all the favorite events, including the Art & Craft Fairs, Chili Cook-off, Lost Chili Pepper Hunt, Cider & Candlelight Tour, Knights of Columbus Corn-Hole Tournament, and Crosslake Ace Hardware's Street Dance to make this a weekend jam packed full of fun!
Put your business in front of thousands who come for this annual festival! Participate in the Chili Cookoff and bring hundreds of people through your doors!
- Business Logo on 800 2023 Crosslake Days VIP Badges
- Business logo listed in print advertising purchased by the chamber in local newspapers
- Business name listed with link to details in multiple chamber E-newsletters, sent to approz. 3,500 Chamber members
- Business logo on the Digital Display ad promoting Crosslake Days at the Brainerd Lakes Chamber Welcome Center, a potential to reach 40,000 visitors
- Business acknowledged and linked on Crosslake Facebook page (5,300 followers)
- Business name acknowledged in 30 second Radio ad purchased by the chamber
- Business acknowledged during local radio programs on Hubbard Radio and R&J Broadcasting
- Business Logo printed on Thank You banner hung at Chamber prior to and following event
- Business Name linked to your website on Chamber event sites
- Four complimentary commemorative 2023 Crosslake Days VIP Badges
- 1 complementary “Best” Swell advertisement (valid for use in the next 12 months)
- Complimentary Chili Cook-Off entry ($25 fee waived)
GOLD SPONSOR // $500 (1 available)
- Business name listed in print advertising purchased by the chamber in local newspapers
- Business name listed with link to details in multiple chamber E-newsletters, sent to approz. 3,500 Chamber members
- Business acknowledged and linked on Crosslake Facebook page (5,300 followers)
- Business acknowledged during local radio programs on Hubbard Radio and R&J Broadcasting
- Business Name linked to your website on Chamber event sites
- 1 complementary “Best” Swell advertisement (valid for use in the next 12 months)
- Complimentary Chili Cook-Off entry ($25 fee waived)
- Business name listed in print advertising purchased by the chamber in local newspapers
- Business acknowledged and linked on Crosslake Facebook page (5,300 followers)
- Business Name linked to your website on Chamber event sites
- Complimentary Chili Cook-Off entry ($25 fee waived)
- Business Name linked to your website on Chamber event sites
- Business identified on laminated poster on front of portable restroom
- Complimentary Chili Cook-Off entry ($25 fee waived)
Deadline to register for Sponsorship opportunities is Wednesday August 31, 2023.
Congratulations Mike & Alex Stone and Sam who located the pepper hanging in a little pine tree at the north end of the property along Swann Drive where the National Loon Center will be located!
National Loon Center representatives, Starr Bockenthien, Milt Bighley and Brenda Charpentier chose the following winners in the 2023 Judges Choice Chili Cook-off Competition!
2023 Chili Cook-Off Judges Choice
1st Place - Squirrelly Mama
2nd Place - Crosslake Rental
3rd Place - Zorbaz
More than 430 votes were cast and the following winners were chosen in the 2023 Peoples Choice Chili Cook-off Competition!
2023 Chili Cook-Off Peoples Choice
1st Place - Tremolo Communications
2nd Place - Whitefish at the Lakes Senior Living
3rd Place - RiverWood Bank
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors

Crosslake, MN 56442
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