Lakes Area Rescue
Ambulance Services Non-Profit / Not For Profit
Lakes Area Rescue provides emergency medical services (EMS) and Rescue First Responder Services to Crow Wing County, Cass County and parts of Brainerd. When someone dials 911 in an emergency, our members are dispatched through the Crow Wing County and Cass County Sheriff's office. Once on scene we provide a wide range of services to support the patient(s) until they can be transported.
Our team is a diverse group of professionals, including nurses, paramedics, EMTs (emergency medical technicians), EMRs (emergency medical responders), and firefighters. Many of our members also serve in nearby fire departments and other EMS agencies. Lakes Area Rescue provides essential emergency services to a community of over 16,000 residents and an area of 350 Sq. miles. In 2023 Lakes Area Rescue responded to over 800 calls for service.
Lakes Area Rescue is a non-governmental organization, operated by 100% VOLUNTEERS and funded by 100% DONATIONS from the generosity of our community. We receive no budgetary funds from state or local government, we exist only due to our strong community support. Lakes Area Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit