Yeehaw! Guests of the 2024 Celebration of Excellence are invited to an exclusive DIY Hat Bar! Saddle Up and join us on Tuesday, October 15, from 5:30-7:30PM at Union Station (event center) of Roundhouse Brewery for a guided experience to make your own signature hat to wear to the Celebration of Excellence. You will design a one-of-a-kind styled hat that reflects your own personality! Traveling Art Pub artists will guide you each step of the way to design and decorate your hat with unique techniques and accessories.
Design + Burn + Distress + Stitch + Paint + Brand
Price: $80 / Person (Exclusive event for registered Celebration of Excellence attendees. Registration deadline is October 15 at 2pm.)
What's Included:
Drink and food service available (Roundhouse Brewery & Dining Car).
$80 / Person (Exclusive event for registered Celebration of Excellence attendees)
Registration deadline is Tuesday, October 15, 2pm.
Hat Bar will be held in the Union Station (event center) of Roundhouse Brewery. Enter through the taproom and go up the stairs OR use the outdoor entrance from the parking lot above.